In this workout I am doing the following exercises:
Jump Squats With Diagonal Touchdown
The jump squat is an excellent cardio exercise and belongs to the plyometric group of exercises. Your legs will be working hard and you will feel the burn in your muscles. Try to complete 20 reps. I know its’s hard.

Jump Squats With Diagonal Touchdown
The jump squat is an excellent cardio exercise and belongs to the plyometric group of exercises. Your legs will be working hard and you will feel the burn in your muscles. Try to complete 20 reps. I know its’s hard.
Start standing tall with your feet hip width apart.
down until your thighs are parallel to the ground and rotate your upper
body towards one side, reaching down towards the side of your foot with
your hands. Try to touch the ground.
off of your feet and jump up reaching your extended arms overhead. Try
to get your feet off of the ground as high as you can. Make sure that
the landing is soft so land on the balls of your feet and not on your
exercise will improve your balance, strength and agility. You will be
targeting your legs, butt and core. Complete 15 reps on each leg.
the weight of your body on your right leg and extend your left leg
behind you and across the right leg. Bend the knee of your standing leg
and get low as much as your strength and balance allows you. Don’t round
your back, keep your chest up and your shoulders back and down. Don’t
go with your knee over your toes.
up and tall again and keep balancing on your right leg. The toes of the
left leg are touching the ground for balance. Extend your right arm
above your head to create a straight line with your left leg and right
arm that goes across your body. Keep your abs and your butt tight.
your left knee up, pointing towards the right shoulder and reach your
right elbow towards the opposite hip. Really squeeze your abs.
the knee down and extend the left leg again. Touch the ground with the
toes of your left leg for balance before you attempt another rep.
Do 20
reps of this exercise total switching the leg. This exercise will target
your core muscles, abs, obliques and you will be strengthening your
arms and upper body.
Start in the plank position with your hand under your shoulders. Keep your abs and butt engaged and don’t arch your lower back.
your left knee towards your left elbow and keep your eyes on the knee.
Revers the movement and get to the starting position. That’s one rep.
Now do the same thing on the opposite side.
One Leg Hop Kick
exercise requires and lot of balance, coordination and flexibility,
which might slow you down. Your balance will improve only through a
regular practice so don’t avoid these type of exercises. Balancing
exercises are great for building your core strength and abs are part of
your core muscles. Everyone wants to have tight abs. Complete 20 reps
by standing tall with your hands up in front of your shoulders. Shift
your weight on the outside leg and get ready to hop to the side.
Push off of the standing leg and jump to the side.
sure that your landing is soft. Don’t land on your heel, but on the
ball of your foot first. Balance on the leg that you just landed on and
try not to touch the ground with the other leg.
your knee and bring the heel of your foot towards your butt. Try to get
your thigh parallel to the ground. If you can’t bring it that high,
then just do your best. Squeeze your abs, gluts and push your hips
forward. Your knee is pointing to the side. Keep your hands up and
elbows close to your body.
your toes and kick the leg out to the side extending your knee. Bring
the leg down without touching the ground if possible and jump to the
side repeating the whole exercise on the opposite leg.
part of the exercise is probably the most challenging one so don’t get
yourself frustrated if you loose balance. It takes some practice and
patience. Instead of trying to get this done as fast as possible no
matter what, keep focusing on your good form.
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